What Swimming Taught Me About Teaching

It’s good for a teacher to be a student once in a while.

I learn this lesson over and over as I pursue my MEd.  I have encountered all sorts of challenges I’d forgotten about, like worrying about grades and managing my time in order to get readings done and papers written.  I’ve had to examine how my (sometimes less than courteous) behaviour toward my teachers has affected their feelings and feedback.  I’ve had to wrestle with approaches that I’ve found less than helpful.  All of this is good food for thought for any teacher.

However, sometimes I find myself in a context that gives me a whole new perspective on what my students are going through.  The kind of work I’m doing in my MEd comes pretty easily to me.  I like reading, writing, doing research, participating in class discussions.  I know how to form a sentence, construct an argument, interpret a research paper.  When these tasks are challenging, I still have a strong sense of self-efficacy.  It is more interesting to observe myself when I am struggling with a task that I don’t do well.

Billie Hara, over at the Chronicle of Higher Education, has written a revealing summary of what it’s like to be an overweight, middle-aged gym neophyte and receive inconsiderate, condescending and careless training.  I loved reading this article because it says so much about effective and non-effective teaching.  The teacher-as-student can make excellent use of discouraging learning experiences, and Hara has done just that.  In her article, she lists some questions that her experience has raised for her regarding her own teaching:

Have you ever:

  • Made incorrect and negative assumptions about why a student was in your class and that student’s ability to perform the work, assumptions based on gender, race, class, age, or physical ability?
  • Told a student that she wasn’t prepared to do more even if she had the motivation and skills to do so?
  • Simplified instructions to a procedure (theory or concept) to such a degree that a five-year old would understand it (and your student was an adult)?
  • Assumed that students want to be like you (because, you know, you are so amazingly awesome)?
  • Told a student that other calls (other students, other work) were more important than working with him right at that moment?
  • Cut a short appointment even shorter because a student was late and you were insulted?
  • Used terms and concepts that were above a student’s level of understanding, without asking the student if she understood?

This summer, I have been taking swimming lessons.  To give some context: I can swim.  Sort of.  I love being in the water.  I took swimming lessons as a child – I failed my beginner’s class three times, but finally managed to scrape through and do a survival class in which I learned how to tread water, float, etc.  I took adult swimming lessons about ten years ago and discovered (or perhaps just reaffirmed) one of my  most serious limitations: I am so uncoordinated that I have often suspected that I suffer from mild autism.  (This is no joke – there are other indicators.)  Just walking around in the world is a constant gamble for me; doing one thing with my arms and another with my legs while suspended in liquid is totally baffling.  What is more, I recently lost a great deal of weight, and learned for the first time why most people find swimming to be an excellent workout: most people don’t float like corks the moment they enter the water.

So it wasn’t a total surprise to me to discover that, in my intermediate class of seven, I was at the absolute bottom in terms of ability.  I was so much less advanced than the others that during each class, one of the two teachers took me aside to work with me privately.  Both teachers were very sweet young people.  They were in their late teens/early twenties, and were doing their best to be encouraging and helpful.

One did a pretty good job of it.  He worked with me for only one class and focused on one thing at a time.  We started with my shoulder rotation, and once he felt I’d gotten the hang of that, he got me to extend the motion to my elbows and hands.  However, I found myself unable to grasp one of the instructions he was giving me, and when I tried to explain my difficulty, he seemed bewildered and slightly impatient.  I never was able to figure out exactly what he meant for me to do.

I worked more frequently with another teacher whose approach was to get me to swim back and forth and to explain to me, at the end of each length, one thing I needed to work on.  This would have been fine, except that my problems were so myriad that the moment I corrected one thing, another problem arose, until her corrections were so overwhelming that I finally lost my cool.  “I know it was worse this time,” I explained, “because I’m trying to remember all the things you’ve told me up to now and incorporate this new thing you’re telling me and I’m still having trouble moving my arms and legs at the same time!”  Her face went a little blank, and she nodded sheepishly, and I felt slightly ashamed.  She was so young, and she was clearly doing her best.  But at the end of the next length, she said, “I see what you’re saying – I’m giving you too much to think about at once, and I can see you’re trying hard to use my suggestions.  Let’s just work on your breathing for the rest of the class.”

This really impressed me.  Do I have that kind of humility? I wondered.  If a student gets angry at me because I’m not meeting her needs, do I listen and adjust, instead of dismissing her out of hand or telling her how she should approach her own learning?

This may be the principle I focus on this year: learning can be frustrating, and frustration interferes with learning.  If a teacher can acknowledge and adjust for frustration, a student can learn better.  In the meantime, I’m going to step away from swimming classes for a while and spend some time alone in the pool trying to assimilate what I’ve learned, about both swimming and teaching.  And if anyone can give me pointers about my shoulder rotation, I’m all ears.


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Image by Annika Vogt

19 responses to “What Swimming Taught Me About Teaching”

  1. Perfect post as the school year begins! Thanks!


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Thanks Barb! These things are certainly on my mind this time of year…


  2. It is so important to think about things like this as the school year starts. I think every teacher, no matter how much we care or how good we are, makes assumptions about their students. We are only human. I know that I have lost my patience more than once when explaining something to a student. These are good things to be aware of.


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Teacher Girl: I agree; we have impulses and reflexes we can’t always control, but we can work hard to be aware of them and not let them control us! And we can use each new year as a chance to strengthen our resolve in these matters…


  3. This is the perfect post to begin the school year! Completely agree with your thoughts. Earlier this summer, I attended a workshop where we created projects (somewhat) similar to the projects I ask my students to create. And… it was intimidating. And frustrating. I used software that was new to me, and the project disappeared three times! My students won’t use that particular software, but it’s always possible the tools we use will be brand new to them. The experience really taught me to be more compassionate throughout the process — and throughout the class.


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Amy: I love stories like this – I feel that frustration any time I’m in a class or workshop with other teachers, and I always love it when someone realizes, “Hey, this is what my students go through all the time!” I try to keep that in mind at all times, and I sincerely hope it’s made me a more compassionate and effective teacher.


  4. I hope you told that nice young lady that you appreciated that she listened to you 🙂

    Thank you – this was a very encouraging story.


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Clix: I did not say so in so many words – I should have, you’re right. I did, however, try to show my appreciation with my hard work and dedication!


  5. teaching tycoon Avatar
    teaching tycoon

    Excellent post (as usual). It truly amazes me how, no matter where you are, or in what circumstances, you always manage to come out with some profound insights about teaching. This really serves as a reminder that in order to be good, effective teachers, we must always pay attention, no matter how simple or mundane a situation may seem. Thanks.


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      TT, you make me blush. Thank you!


  6. I have a hard time being a student too! Sometimes it takes me awhile to process what I need to do and I need to see someone else do it a few times before I can figure out what works for me. I just bought a spinning wheel and will need to learn how to do this so it should be interesting! This was a great post! Thanks for sharing your swimming experience! I just love reading your posts!


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Thank you, Pat! A spinning wheel is exciting – I was obsessed with knitting for a few years and always wondered if spinning was the next step – I’d love to hear how it goes.


  7. That’s fantastic. I have a friend who is a professor of literature… she said it helped her teaching immensely when she stepped outside her comfort zone and did something that was very difficult for her: she took a class in hip-hop dancing. She’s loving it now but it was a struggle to get started, and it helped her understand where some of her students were coming from. Especially if you teach academic subjects it can be difficult to take that knowledge of strategies for learning and apply it to a more physical pursuit. So how’s the swimming going now?


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      My trip to the pool yesterday confirmed that I’m still the world’s worst swimmer, but I am comfortable with that (except when the pool is super-crowded and the good swimmers keep banging into me…!)


      1. Hah, I have the same problem with swimming… I don’t understand lane rules, and without my glasses on I can only really see about three inches in front of my face, so there could be a shark swimming around in the pool and I wouldn’t be able to see it. 😀 I do okay with the coordination part, but I have absolutely no lung capacity so I can swim for about twenty seconds then I need a break. It’s probably for the best that the town where I live now has no pool available. 😀


  8. I agree with you completely, as a teacher myself, that becoming a student again periodically is good for us as teachers. It reminds us of what the students are going through, which we tend to forget ourselves sometime. It makes us more compassionate teachers. We also get to see teaching techniques from the students’ perspective, which helps us to better evaluate our own teaching techniques.


    1. Siobhan Curious Avatar
      Siobhan Curious

      Lynne: exactly: it’s easy to forget what it’s like to be on the other side of the desk…


  9. “I am so uncoordinated that I have often suspected that I suffer from mild autism.”

    That’s how I failed swimming lessons! 🙂


    1. Chavisory: It causes me to fail at MANY things, believe me!


What do you think?

About Me

My job is to teach people to read and write; aside from that, I like to learn things.
